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Bye-Bye Bed Rest Blues

Hello all you wonderful people!

Time is like a disobedient child, I like to think. It does exactly the opposite of what one’d like. In the time it took me to bat my eyelids, three months have elapsed since my last post!

2018 has been an exciting whirlwind so far. We welcomed my precious little baby girl into our world. Everyday is like a repetitive movie played on fast-forward. Feed, burp, diaper change, repeat! As much as it used to amuse me, I have now turned into one of those mothers who are constantly raving about their baby’s latest milestone! She’s my little miracle, a gift, after months of forced penance. You all know my story. (For the newbies, you may refer to the ‘Gestational heebie-jeebies’ series on my page.)

Introspecting during the rare free minute, counting my blessings, I cannot help, but reminisce the recent past. Seven months of bed-rest, anxiety and uncertainty. When prolonged rest is enforced upon you, its far from a vacation. It’s a mental struggle. My friends often ask, “How did you do it”?! 

Here are eight tips, which I believe, will help one get through prolonged bed-rest with positivity, and their sanity intact.


Minimize your use of gadgets (TV, laptops, iPads, cell phones, video games etc.). Long hours of such passive activity numbs the brain. It encourages irritation, impatience, anger and negativity. Engage your brain, into action! 
Solve crossword puzzles, paint, colour, indulge in any form of art. How about you learn a new language, or try your hand at a new instrument? You can continue to work from home, if you are allowed the option. The aim is to keep your brain active  and interested, while your body rests.


Wake up in the morning, and plan your day. Make a to-do list, and follow it. It will help you focus on the tasks at hand, and enhance productivity, rather than waste time, dwelling on your misfortune.


Since time immemorial, light is known to symbolise knowledge, positivity, and good times. 
Open the windows. Let the sun rays light up your room and breathe in the fresh air. At dusk, switch on the lights to keep your room bright, cheery and positive. Discuss with your doctor if you can ambulate occasionally from one room to another, in a wheelchair. Still dreary? Keep your favourite scented candle handy! Can’t help feeling downcast? Playing your favourite music may help boost your spirits. Chin up, stay strong, and hang on to your good spirits. 


I cannot stress how important this is! When your doctor advises you prolonged bed rest, do talk to them about exercises that you must do while lying down, or ask them to refer you to a physiotherapist. It is vital to keep your blood circulating. Inactivity invites the risk of deep vein thrombosis, amongst other issues. There are videos online that guide you through these exercises, but clear them with your doctor first.


No man is an island. Reach out to friends and family. Connect with people who are or have gone through a similar situation. Join online support groups. Circumstances always seem bearable, when you know, you have company. If others can get through it, then so can you! 


All that time on your hands, and nothing to do. Are you mentally reliving your fantastic life of the past or dreaming up an elaborate future? Perfect ingredients to serve up depression, anxiety or other mood disturbances. How does one still a flitting mind? Meditation and the practise of being aware of the present i.e. mindfulness helped me retain perspective and gain clarity during my bleak moments. Explore your spiritual side. Trust me, you will not be disappointed.


Maintain a journal. You’ll be surprised at how relieved you feel once you’ve poured your heart out in ink. Talk to those willing to lend an understanding ear. Try singing your frustrations away. A therapeutic outlet and an entertaining one! Don’t keep the negativity and the roller-coaster of emotions bottled up!


Remind yourself why you have to go through with it. Write it down and tape it on your wall as a reminder. If that’s not inspiration enough, look for inspirational quotes and stories of people who stayed strong despite adversity. Whatever you do, don’t let your goal out of sight!

Bed rest is a challenge. Looking back however, I am glad for it. Circumstances forced me out of my comfort zone, the busy monotony that my life had become, and made me face my biggest challenge yet. I’ve come out of it smiling, stronger, and hopefully wiser. 

Do you have more tips to add? Have you gone through an experience that challenged you, made you face your deepest fears? Feel free to share! I’d love to listen!


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