Bye-Bye Bed Rest Blues

Hello all you wonderful people! Time is like a disobedient child, I like to think. It does exactly the opposite of what one’d like. In the time it took me to bat my eyelids, three months have elapsed since my last post! 2018 has been an exciting whirlwind so far. We welcomed my precious little baby girl into our world. Everyday is like a repetitive movie played on fast-forward. Feed, burp, diaper change, repeat! As much as it used to amuse me, I have now turned into one of those mothers who are constantly raving about their baby’s latest milestone! She’s my little miracle, a gift, after months of forced penance. You all know my story. (For the newbies, you may refer to the ‘Gestational heebie-jeebies’ series on my page.) Introspecting during the rare free minute, counting my blessings, I cannot help, but reminisce the recent past. Seven months of bed-rest, anxiety and uncertainty. When prolonged rest is enforced upon you, its far from a vacation. It’s a mental struggl...