Rains & Romance

Those of you, who know me, would be familiar with my ongoing torrid love affair with Nature’s favourite (and also spoilt, in my opinion) child, Rain. It’s a predictable one, like most, a love-hate kind, with more love, and less of the latter. He never fails to inspire awe in me…a child-like wonder! While ousting me from the most stuporous of slumps, I can’t help but wear a smile, as worries seem to magically melt away. He amplifies my cheerful spirits on a good day, to one of unadulterated joy, awakening the slumbering poet within me into pouring out the most reverent odes, like the one I’m spewing right now! Whoever says that chivalry is dead hasn’t experienced him deftly blending in with the tears streaming down their faces, shielding vulnerable selves from curious, inquisitive eyes. Very much the tease, he enjoys keeping me guessing, as I stew over his intentions; A few warning drops here, a pleasant drizzle there, a shower where there’s eager anticipation and...