An Enlightening Waking Reverie

You've been running, fast, swept ahead by the advancing tide. You ride the wave confidently, exhilaration dripping off your body, basking in this glow of new-found self worth and adulation, starry-eyed in anticipation of what's to come. The wave crashes against the shore, and you jump off, jubilant at having conquered it. You look ahead at the oncoming swell, tasting the salt on your lips, taking a minute to catch your breath. The world comes to a temporary pause. It's only you, amongst the wind and the waves, the protagonist on a stage, and a full-house to cheer you on. You spy, out of the corner of your eye, other actors dipping their toes in, testing the waters, taking advantage of your breather. A warning niggles in the recesses of your mind, yet you look on, breathing in deep, unfazed, schooling yourself. You deserve the break, need it, infact. A refuel, before you plunge in, charged and raring to go. Why welcome Exhaustion on board? A blink to s...