'Weighty' issues - a reflection

For as long as I can remember, my gal pals and I, have always cribbed about being a few pounds overweight. Over the years, the few pounds have multiplied in magnitude. Even when I did not have a weight-issue, I remember grumbling about my being ‘fat’, or not having a small enough waist, all because it was expected, and the cool thing to do! I remember in class 9, the corridor loo would be our hangout spot between lessons. It was anything but fancy! Just your regular cubicles, smelly most times, with washbasins in front, each with a mirror of its own. We would just crowd around the mirrors, giggling, primping our hair, reapplying lip-balms, moaning over emerging acne while secretly comparing waist lines, which unfortunately in most cases, was also an indication of one’s coolness, attractiveness, social-superiority or lack thereof. I cant help but laugh as i recall, how we used to loudly announce and invite our ‘cool’ friends to hang out with, in the loo, of all places ...