Multitasking - How much is too much?

Life is a rat-race for most. A race against time, that we all wish to win. Especially when, we are all aware, that any moment, our breath may choose to stop infusing us with ‘life energy’. We are all swept along with the flowing tide, from birth, in a rush to satisfy our insatiable desires, while the stop watch begins its countdown. We adaptable humans, have adopted the practise of ‘ multitasking ’, to aid us in our endeavours. What is multitasking? Multitasking is a word, very much in vogue today, defined by the Oxford english dictionary as, dealing with more than one task at the same time. This term originated in the field of computer science initially, wherein computers were programmed to complete multiple tasks at the same time, and this was gradually extended to human application. However, the practise is older than the word itself. Life without multitasking is unimaginable. Multitasking can be concurrent, wherein we...