Gestational heebie-jeebies Part 3 - The Fight !

Firstly, masssssive THANK YOU to all those wonderful people, who took the time out, to text, call, reach out to me after reading my first two posts, letting me know that I am not alone in this fight, to offer me empathy, strength and oodles of positivity! You guys rock!! A panic attack can last anywhere between 10-30 minutes, but leave fear and anxiety in their wake. Sleep eludes you, since the memory of the attack is fresh, and you anticipate panic every time your eyes close. This further invites frustration, irritability, headaches, the inability to concentrate and further anxiety. It is a vicious cycle. The solution is to relax your mental and physical self completely. Easier said than done, considering the emotional turmoil. Fear should not be underestimated. It can cause an overhaul of your entire personality. ‘Paralysing’ is an apt verb for it. It brought my life to a stand-still. It made me forget the person that I am; But with the right supports, one can l...