Greetings and gestational heebie-jeebies - The introduction

Having silently nursed a wish of blogging for years now, I am glad that it has finally come to fruition. I wish I could say the same about the circumstance that has led me to glue myself in front of my laptop and furiously jab the keyboard. But, like the wise say, there is a reason behind every experience that we undergo, and a lesson to be learnt from each. What can one expect from my log? That is something that I have thought long and hard about. I don’t want to restrict myself to any one category. For starters, I would like to document my experience with the whirlwind that life has set loose on me, this year, Pregnancy. More specifically, the anxiety and panic attacks that it brought on. I am hoping that my experience, and my account of how I have been dealing with it, helps all you individuals out there going through something similar, whether pregnant or not, men and women alike! From then on, I will branch out into other issues that I interest me. One can expect my blog to ...